Crop weeds compete with the agricultural crops on resources and by that damage the crop and/or cause loss of yield.
There are 2 main groups of weeds: grassy and broadleaf weeds, for both there are several groups of herbicides with different modes of action, applied at different stages: pre- or postemergence of crop, and pre- or postemergence of weed.
Lidorr Elements offers farmers a variety of weed control products, selective for corn, wheat, beet, orchards, and more, from some of the best crop protection companies in the world: Bayer, UPL and Adama Agan.
We offer preventive preemergence herbicides such as Alion® (for orchards) and Esplanade® (for use along railways, roadsides, and non-agricultural fields).
Our team of agronomists is highly experienced in testing crop protection products for registration purposes in Israel, identifying pests and plant diseases, and fitting the right solutions to treat crops and improve their quality. Contact us and we will be happy to help you get the best out of your crops.
How can we help?
We know, it is not easy to find the right material, product or technology. We are here to help.