Fragrances & Scent Ingredients

Smell has the power to trigger strong memories and feelings in us. Companies from various industries, such as food, cosmetics and home care, identified this ability and are combining fragrances and scent mixtures in their products to stimulate emotion. Scent ingredients can also neutralize bad or unwanted odors and improve the product consumption experience. Scent materials are used in countless products, such as perfumes, soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, laundry detergents and softeners, cleaning products, and more.

Lidorr Elements supports many companies in the development process of scented products. We help them characterize the required scent, taking into account the product type, its branding image, and target customers. The scent is developed and produced according to specifications (for example, specific scent directions, regulations, pH, and Kosher restrictions) by Symrise, an expert manufacturer of home and personal care ingredients. After selecting the right fragrance for the product, Lidorr Elements and Symrise make sure it is supplied securely and in time.

Contact us and we will be happy to help you with your product development process.

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